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Case Study: Launching the
ElectraTherm Green Machine

Client: ElectraTherm

ElectraTherm Green Machine Popular Science Award Technology Innovation Award

About the Campaign:
PilmerPR began public relations efforts for ElectraTherm by preparing for the commercial launch of the ElectraTherm Green Machine, a recovered energy generator that makes low-cost electricity from waste heat. Since ElectraTherm had not yet introduced their company or technology to the general public, PilmerPR began by framing a consistent message and public voice that would put their clean technology on the national stage.

Getting noticed in the flood of “green” messages is always a challenge. The most influential renewable energy reporters and bloggers are receiving hundreds of pitches every day, and PilmerPR knows they need to see compelling news value in order to bite. While pitching ElectraTherm, PilmerPR offered substantial statistics and hard evidence of the true environmental benefits of the Green Machine, in order to rise above the noise.

Increase Texas, national and international awareness of the ET Green Machine through positive media coverage, resulting in:

  • >10 media hits, and introducing the product to an audience of
  • >1 million through media impressions in the first year.

Campaign Strategies:

  • Leverage national, key industry vertical, and local publications to create awareness of the ET Green Machine
  • Position the ET Green Machine as the prototype of new renewable energy technology
  • Use the geothermal application stories to reach audiences not interested in the industrial waste-heat application
  • Partner with early adopters of the ET Green Machine to promote the technology

Key Tactics:

  • Educate and train ElectraTherm’s executives on media relations
  • Identify newsworthy content for pitching and press releases
  • Leverage Popular Science’s “Best of” Award, Wall Street Journal’s annual “Innovations” Award, and Nevada's Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology’s “Green Company of the Year” Award to garner further coverage
  • ElectraTherm Coverage
  • Create visual rich media content of the ET Green Machine for use by broadcast media
  • Target influential publications specialized in environmentalism, energy and high-tech
  • Establish trusting relationships with editors or appropriate journalists at top-tier publications by studying their writing style, beat, interests and other useful information
  • Develop new ElectraTherm website to better serve reporters, investors, and potential clients


  1. Total Articles: 103. PilmerPR garnered 18 major articles in print publications and 85 additional online articles. Feature articles appeared in publications such as Dow Jones, Popular Science, Engadget, and Red Herring
  2. Broadcast Segments: Two national news segments (FOX Business News and The 700 Club), three local news segments, one syndicated radio show, and three online podcasts
  3. Total Audience Reach: More than 406 million
  4. Advertising equivalency: Approximately $1.1 million
  5. Traffic to ElectraTherm.com: Increased 500% over the previous year