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Public Relations Professionals - PilmerPR

Some of the best public relations and marketing professionals in the industry work for PilmerPR, LLC. The team collaborates to deliver a complete PR communication and marketing plan that will carry you from concept to completion.

The PilmerPR staff boasts more than 75 years of collective experience in marketing and PR with both small and large companies. The staff has specific public relations backgrounds in high-technology, engineering, retail, leadership, real estate, book publicity, print journalism, social media, search engine optimization and green PR. In addition, the team has excelled in various marketing functions including messaging, event planning, product launches, advertising and corporate newsletters. The PilmerPR staff excels in using proven PR strategies to help you reach your target market – from research and writing to implementation and measurement of results.

PilmerPR team Allison
PilmerPR team John
PilmerPR team Jack
PilmerPR team Rita
PilmerPR team Andon
PilmerPR team Tyillere

PilmerPR president John Pilmer

As president and founder of PilmerPR, John Pilmer, APR serves as a global public relations and marketing communications advisor for both emerging and established companies. He offers customers more than 20 years of results-driven business PR and marketing experience. John and the firm have led strategic marketing and PR campaigns for clients such as AdvancedMD, Altiris, Avamar, ElectraTherm, EmergeCore Networks, FSLogic, Certiport, Mozy, NextPage, Novell, INVISUS, 10x Marketing, MWI, Project Insight, REIC, Seastone, US Synthetic and, among others.

PilmerPR APRJohn is Accredited in Public Relations (APR), a mark of distinction for PR professionals who are selected based on broad knowledge, strategic perspective, and sound professional judgment. After serving as the communications chair for the last five years, John was most recently named the new chairman of the Utah Valley Entrepreneurial Forum for 2010. He has also served on the board of directors for the North Pacific District of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), and the Commission for Economic Development in Orem (CEDO), among others. He holds an undergraduate degree in Business Management and Marketing from BYU, as well as an MBA from the University of Utah.