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Media Relations & Publicity - PilmerPR

PilmerPR will work with you to develop a targeted press list of the publications that are most important to your company’s success. We help you consider all of your possible audiences, including trade publications, local media, mainstream media, social media, and more.

As part of your media relations activities, we can also help you incorporate Web 2.0 tools into your PR campaigns such as podcasts, Webcasts, and video. Research indicates that editors are more likely to read a press release when they are connected to some form of rich media.

After creating a targeted press list, we will develop an ongoing relationship with print, online, radio and broadcast media outlets to keep your company and messages in the press. We will use frequent pitches, press releases, events, awards, and other newsworthy topics to make your company a go-to resource for the press.

Analyst Relations

Media Resources

How to Create a Press List