Manage Your Online Reputation

Mark Twain once said, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” False accusations on the Web, particularly social media, travel quickly and can do great damage before the truth is known. Customers feel an empowering voice online, and can instantly alter a business’s reputation. This can be very dangerous for a company of any size, whether B2B or B2C.

Our Reputation Management PR team works directly with businesses to help them maintain the best online relationships and image possible.

Our experienced team of social media experts keeps its watchful eyes on the social Web for posts that could negatively affect your brand. We proactively contact your designated brand manager with specific PR consulting from our team of experts who understand the unique facets of social media, and have proven capability to turn critics into advocates.

contact us for more info.

  • PilmerPR’s online reputation management has improved our responsiveness to customers. We can better focus on consumer needs with PilmerPR monitoring social conversation regarding Brent Brown Toyota Scion. Their strategic counsel and personalized recommendations for each buyer have helped us resolve concerns and improved our online ratings across the board. This is something the large “social media suites” just don’t provide.–Larry Terry – General Manager, Brent Brown Toyota Scion