Customized Small Business Public Relations

Virtually all of the Fortune 500 invest heavily in PR Consulting and Media Relations. They recognize the value of PR in driving brand awareness, improving community relations, and creating a story of growth, success and relevance among investors, partners, and prospective customers. Emerging businesses with vision recognize that early and consistent investment in PR provides a great long term return on investment. With our expertise in social media PR and SEO PR, PilmerPR levels the playing field for emerging companies to compete effectively with much larger competitors.

  • Because people often believe what a third party says about you before they will believe you, mentions in the media are crucial to expand your reputation.–SCORE

Through innovative public relations packages, PilmerPR has placed emerging growth clients in publications like Fortune Small Business, Investors Business Daily, Small Business Computing, Wall Street Journal, New York Times and many others.

John Pilmer Discusses Entrepreneurism in Utah

UVEF – KSTU Fox 13, Top 25 Companies 7/9/09 – Lt Gov Gary Herbert

UVEF 2009 Top 25 Under 5

Small Business PR Resources

Webcast – UVEF’s role in thriving Utah business climate
John Pilmer Leads Panel on Online Marketing/PR Trends in Web 2.0 Time – Podcast
SCORE on PR for Small business:
Start Up Nation
Utah Valley Entrepreneurial Forum
Networking for small business owners – U.S. Small Business Administration
Tips for small business success – U.S. Small Business Administration